Custom shower bases in Montreal: the best in plumbing

Custom shower bases in Montreal: the best in plumbing

Believe it or not, custom shower bases are essential components that every home in Montreal must have. These trays that cover the floor of your shower not only serve as a decorative accessory, but also ensure proper water drainage to the pipes.

Without a shower base, it is very possible for water to seep in and wet other parts of your home, such as the basement. For this reason, it is vital that this piece is installed. However, not all shower bases are the same. There are a variety of designs and materials to choose from, and you can even customize them.

This way, you can invest your money wisely and renovate your shower according to your tastes. Interested in learning more, then stay here! As N. Rossi Plomberie & Chauffage Inc, the best plumbing company in Quebec, we will explain here the incredible advantages of custom shower bases.

Why should you choose custom shower bases in Montreal?

There are countless models and styles of shower bases on the market. You can choose the shower tray you like the most or the one that best fits your shower. However, during installation or in the selection process, damage or mistakes can occur, whether it is the size, color or style.

Also, not all shower base models will drain water the same. This will depend on the structure of your property and internal plumbing. This is why custom shower bases are a better alternative, as you will get a custom piece for your shower and avoid additional expenses.

But that’s not all! Getting a custom shower base comes with other cool benefits. Some of them are:

1-You save money in the long run

Having a custom shower pan will prevent you from investing more money due to bad installations or measurement errors. A poorly fitted base in your shower can even lead to water leaks or plumbing failures in your home. Therefore, a custom shower tray will save you from repair or reinstallation costs.

2 – The perfect measurements

The most obvious advantage of having a custom base is that it will fit your shower seamlessly. Plumbing specialists will create a unique model for your shower with exact measurements. This way, no mistakes or material losses occur during installation.

3-You choose the material according to your budget 

By opting for a custom-made shower tray, you will be able to decide on the material and workmanship. As a result, you will get a piece according to your taste and your budget. In addition, there are a variety of materials available for your shower, from tile, cast stone, acrylic or fiberglass.

Of course, each material has its own advantages, disadvantages and costs, but you’re no longer limited to store-bought options. In these cases, it’s best to consult with a professional to choose the material that best suits you or your calculations.

4-You increase the value of your home.

If your shower features a custom shower base or bases, it will greatly increase the value of your home. A beautiful shower base will make your overall home look interesting and elegant to potential buyers, as that piece will be indistinguishable and unique.

For example, a tiled or cast stone shower pan will give a more luxurious look to your shower. A fiberglass shower base will allow you to sell your home faster and for a modest price. Therefore, this component is essential to make your home a good choice and stand out.

5 – Custom installation and maintenance of custom shower bases

Finally, if you opt for a custom shower base, you will also have the freedom to install it on your own or choose a professional you trust. This means that you no longer have to rely on a company or specific suppliers.

If you want to save money, you can install the custom-made shower tray on your own, or you can hire a family plumber or a friend. In this way, you can save a lot more money and time, or you can invest in a piece that you really like for your shower.

Order the best custom shower bases at N. Rossi Plomberie & Chauffage Inc.

Now that you know why you should install a custom shower base, what are you waiting for! Custom shower bases are amazing alternatives for renovating your home. Likewise, you will be able to give your shower a unique touch according to your specifications, materials, colors and tastes.

Also, a custom shower base will allow you to protect the floor and subfloor of your home from any leaks or plumbing problems. So, if you want to have a custom shower base made, we are your solution!

As N. Rossi Plomberie & Chauffage Inc, we will provide you with the best custom shower base fabrication and installation service in all of Montreal. Our company is the most qualified in the area of high quality plumbing renovations and construction.

We also offer you a variety of products for the maintenance, installation or renovation of your home plumbing. To top it off, we partner with the most prestigious manufacturers and distributors throughout North America and Europe – our promotions are amazing!

For any plumbing job, our certified professionals will respond to your every need! In fact, we have over 30 years of experience in the field of plumbing installations and the distribution of residential and commercial materials.

We are known for our knowledge, expert advice, reliability and honesty. We even manufacture and distribute plumbing equipment for dental and veterinary clinics. Experts in Montreal, Laval and South Shore are waiting for you.